
A Move in Pokemon Go is an attack used by Pokemon in battle. Each Pokemon can have two different moves at any given time. One move is designated as a Fast Move while the other is a Charge Move. During battle, you can either choose to Dodge an attack, use an Item or use a Fast/Charge Move.

A Charge Move deals more damage than a Quick Move, but requires Stamina to use.

A Fast Move deals less damage than a Charge Move, but restores Stamina when used.

Note: Stamina is also recharged when damage is taken.

Two Pokemon of the same species can have different Moves. For example, one wild Ekans may have Acid as its Fast Move and Mud Bomb as its Charge Move, while another Ekans may have Bite as its Fast Move and Wrap as its Charge Move.

This randomization of Moves really helps to add an element of uniqueness to the Pokemon captured in Pokemon Go. It is also interesting to note that some Moves can be both Charge and Fast Moves, such as the Move Acid.
All Move Types
The following is a Current List of all Pokemon Go Moves and Move Types:
AbsorbA nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.GrassCharge
AcidThe opposing Pokémon is attacked with a spray of harsh acid.PoisonCharge/Fast
Aerial AceThe user confounds the target with speed, then slashes.FlyingCharge
Air CutterThe user launches razor-like wind to slash the opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily.FlyingCharge
Air SlashThe user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky.FlyingCharge
Ancient PowerThe user attacks with a prehistoric power.RockCharge
Aqua JetThe user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible.WaterCharge
Aqua TailThe user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.WaterCharge
BiteThe target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs.DarkCharge/Fast
BlizzardA howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon.IceCharge
Body SlamThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight.NormalCharge
Bone ClubThe user clubs the target with a bone.GroundCharge
Brick BreakThe user attacks with a swift chop.FightingCharge
BrineIf the target's HP is half or less, this attack will hit with double the power.WaterCharge
BubbleA spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the opposing Pokémon.WaterFast
Bubble BeamA spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target.WaterCharge
Bug BiteThe user bites the target.BugCharge/Fast
Bug BuzzThe user vibrates its wings to generate a damaging sound wave.BugCharge
BulldozeThe user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground.GroundCharge
Bullet PunchThe user strikes the target with tough punches as fast as bullets.SteelCharge/Fast
ConfusionThe target is hit by a weak telekinetic force.PsychicFast
Cross ChopThe user delivers a double chop with its forearms crossed. Critical hits land more easily.FightingCharge
Cross PoisonA slashing attack with a poisonous blade that may also poison the target. Critical hits land more easily.PoisonCharge
CutThe target is cut with a scythe or claw.NormalCharge/Fast
Dark PulseThe user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts.DarkCharge
Dazzling GleamThe user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.FairyCharge
DigThe user burrows, then attacks on the next turn.GroundCharge
Disarming VoiceLetting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon.FairyCharge
DischargeThe user strikes everything around it by letting loose a flare of electricity.ElectricCharge
Double SlapThe target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.NormalCharge
Dragon BreathThe user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.DragonCharge/Fast
Dragon ClawThe user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws.DragonCharge
Dragon PulseThe target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user's gaping mouth.DragonCharge
Draining KissThe user steals the target's energy with a kiss. The user's HP is restored by over half of the damage taken by the target.FairyCharge
Drill PeckA corkscrewing attack with a sharp beak acting as a drill.FlyingCharge
Drill RunThe user crashes into its target while rotating its body like a drill. Critical hits land more easily.GroundCharge
EarthquakeThe user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.GroundCharge
EmberThe target is attacked with small flames.FireCharge/Fast
Feint AttackThe user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.DarkFast
Fire BlastThe target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire.FireCharge
Fire FangThe user bites with flame-cloaked fangs.FireFast
Fire PunchThe target is punched with a fiery fist.FireCharge
Flame BurstThe user attacks the target with a bursting flame.FireCharge
Flame ChargeCloaking itself in flame, the user attacks.FireCharge
Flame WheelThe user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target.FireCharge
FlamethrowerThe target is scorched with an intense blast of fire.FireCharge
Flash CannonThe user gathers all its light energy and releases it at once.SteelCharge
Frost BreathThe user blows its cold breath on the target.IceCharge/Fast
Fury CutterThe target is slashed with scythes or claws.BugCharge/Fast
Giga DrainA nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target..GrassCharge
Gunk ShotThe user shoots filthy garbage at the target to attack.PoisonCharge
HeadbuttThe user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target.NormalCharge
Heart StampThe user unleashes a vicious blow after its cute act makes the target less wary.PsychicCharge
Heat WaveThe user attacks by exhaling hot breath on the opposing Pokémon.FireCharge
Horn AttackThe target is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.NormalCharge
HurricaneThe user attacks by wrapping its opponent in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky.FlyingCharge
Hydro PumpThe target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.WaterCharge
Hyper BeamThe target is attacked with a powerful beam.NormalCharge
Hyper FangThe user bites hard on the target with its sharp front fangs.NormalCharge
Ice BeamThe target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy.IceCharge
Ice PunchThe target is punched with an icy fist.IceCharge
Ice ShardThe user flash-freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target.IceCharge/Fast
Icy WindThe user attacks with a gust of chilled air.IceCharge
Iron HeadThe user slams the target with its steel-hard head.SteelCharge
Karate ChopThe target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily..FightingCharge/Fast
Leaf BladeThe user handles a sharp leaf like a sword and attacks by cutting its target. Critical hits land more easily..GrassCharge
LickThe target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage.GhostCharge/Fast
Low KickA powerful low kick that makes the target fall over.FightingCharge/Fast
Low SweepThe user makes a swift attack on the target's legs, which lowers the target's Speed stat.FightingCharge
Magnet BombThe user launches steel bombs that stick to the target.SteelCharge
Mega DrainA nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target..GrassCharge
MegahornUsing its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into the target with no letup.BugCharge
Metal ClawThe target is raked with steel claws.SteelCharge/Fast
MoonblastBorrowing the power of the moon, the user attacks the target.FairyCharge
Mud BombThe user launches a hard-packed mud ball to attack.GroundCharge
Mud ShotThe user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target.GroundCharge/Fast
Mud SlapThe user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.GroundFast
Night SlashThe user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily..DarkCharge
Ominous WindThe user blasts the target with a gust of repulsive wind.GhostCharge
Parabolic ChargeThe user attacks everything around it.ElectricCharge
PeckThe target is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.FlyingCharge/Fast
Petal BlizzardThe user stirs up a violent petal blizzard and attacks everything around it.GrassCharge
Play RoughThe user plays rough with the target and attacks it.FairyCharge
Poison FangThe user bites the target with toxic fangs.PoisonCharge
Poison JabThe target is stabbed with a tentacle or arm steeped in poison.PoisonCharge/Fast
Poison StingThe user stabs the target with a poisonous stinger.PoisonFast
PoundThe target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.NormalCharge/Fast
Power GemThe user attacks with a ray of light that sparkles as if it were made of gemstones.RockCharge
Power WhipThe user violently whirls its vines or tentacles to harshly lash the target.GrassCharge
PsybeamThe target is attacked with a peculiar ray.PsychicCharge
PsychicThe target is hit by a strong telekinetic force.PsychicCharge
Psycho CutThe user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily..PsychicCharge/Fast
PsyshockThe user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target.PsychicCharge
PsystrikeThe user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target.PsychicCharge
Quick AttackThe user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible.NormalCharge/Fast
Razor LeafSharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily..GrassCharge/Fast
RestThe user goes to sleep for two turns.PsychicCharge
Rock SlideLarge boulders are hurled at the opposing Pokémon to inflict damage.RockCharge
Rock SmashThe user attacks with a punch.FightingFast
Rock ThrowThe user picks up and throws a small rock at the target to attack.RockCharge/Fast
Rock TombBoulders are hurled at the target.RockCharge
ScaldThe user shoots boiling hot water at its target.WaterCharge
ScratchHard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.NormalCharge/Fast
Seed BombThe user slams a barrage of hard-shelled seeds on the target from above.GrassCharge
Shadow BallThe user hurls a shadowy blob at the target.GhostCharge
Shadow ClawThe user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily..GhostCharge/Fast
Shadow PunchThe user throws a punch from the shadows.GhostCharge
Shadow SneakThe user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind.GhostCharge
Signal BeamThe user attacks with a sinister beam of light.BugCharge
SlamThe target is slammed with a long tail, vines, or the like to inflict damage.NormalCharge
SlashThe target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily..NormalCharge
SludgeUnsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.PoisonCharge
Sludge BombUnsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.PoisonCharge
Sludge WaveThe user strikes everything around it by swamping the area with a giant sludge wave.PoisonCharge
SmogThe target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases.PoisonCharge
Solar BeamA two-turn attack.GrassCharge
SparkThe user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target.ElectricCharge/Fast
SplashThe user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all.NormalCharge/Fast
Steel WingThe target is hit with wings of steel.SteelCharge/Fast
StompThe target is stomped with a big foot.NormalCharge
Stone EdgeThe user stabs the target with sharpened stones from below. Critical hits land more easily..RockCharge
StruggleWhile resisting, the user attacks the opposing Pokémon.BugCharge
SubmissionThe user grabs the target and recklessly dives for the ground.FightingCharge
Sucker PunchThis move enables the user to attack first.DarkCharge/Fast
SwiftStar-shaped rays are shot at the opposing Pokémon.NormalCharge
TackleA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.NormalCharge/Fast
Take DownA reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target.NormalCharge
ThunderA wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage.ElectricCharge
Thunder PunchThe target is punched with an electrified fist.ElectricCharge
Thunder ShockA jolt of electricity crashes down on the target to inflict damage.ElectricCharge/Fast
ThunderboltA strong electric blast crashes down on the target.ElectricCharge
TwineedleThe user damages the target twice in succession by jabbing it with two spikes.BugCharge
TwisterThe user whips up a vicious tornado to tear at the opposing Pokémon.DragonCharge
Vice GripThe target is gripped and squeezed from both sides to inflict damage.NormalCharge
Vine WhipThe target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.GrassCharge/Fast
Water GunThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.WaterCharge/Fast
Water PulseThe user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water.WaterCharge
Wing AttackThe target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.FlyingCharge/Fast
WrapA long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the target for four to five turns.NormalCharge
X-ScissorThe user slashes at the target by crossing its scythes or claws as if they were a pair of scissors.BugCharge
Zen HeadbuttThe user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target.PsychicFast

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